*B.D.R.* Weekend Sales!

 Weekend sales are out!

Available now @ our mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beautiful%20Dirty%20Rich/125/121/22

 NEW x The Saturday Sale  
*B.D.R.*  Rina v2 -Outfit.: Compatible with Maitreya + Petite, LaraX + Petite, Legacy + Perky + Bombshell, Reborn + Waifu, Kupra, Belleza Gen.X Classic & Curvy, Peach.
4 Versions available:
★ Solid Colors 01 & 02 (Knit Base) / x20 Solid colors each (Winter Palette)
★ Latex (Ultimate Palette) / 20 Solid Colors
★ Patterns Mix / 12 Patterns + 12 Matching Solid Colors

HUD Texture Options:
● Customizable sweater, shorts, belt, fur and gems.
● 4 Gold/Silver Metals.
● Hideable gems and bows.
● All fur pieces can be worn together or separately.
- Alpha mask included
- Shine layer can be shown/hidden via HUD

*B.D.R.* Rina v2 Styling Card
 ★ Head: LeLUTKA Avalon
★ Body: eBODY - REBORN
- Deformers by Pretty Liars
★ Skin: Picasso Babe by VELOUR
★ Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop:. CITY -X23 (Highly Edited)
★ Cosmetics:
- Eyeshadow (Base): Izzie's - Eye Fix (Evo X BOM) 65%
- Eyeliner: Babe - Basic Liner x Evo
- Lipstick: VELOUR "2010" FADED LIPSTICK
- Freckles (Face & Body): ives. Freckles Collection I
- Blush (Face): Fontaine Cosmetics - Moonshine Blush Collection
- Blush (Body): Fontaine Cosmetics - Natural Body Blush Collection
★ Accessories (Left):
- Beanie: _CandyDoll_ Kristina Beanie - LoveThemAll
- Nails: zhu. Lovesick sculpted nails II
- Rings: MICHAN - Carrie Rings - Gold
- Bracelet: MICHAN - Celia Bracelets [Golds Pack]
★ Accessories (Right & Close-up):
- Glasses: mirinae: misa glasses
- Nails: zhu. Noir mesh nails
- Rings: MICHAN - Carrie Rings - Black
- Bracelets: MICHAN - Karenina Chains - Black 
- Tattoo: DAPPA - Ahegao Tattoo.
- Left: DOUX - Boybye hairstyle
- Right: VCO ~ YENI Hair / Rigged /
- Closeup: VCO ~ JINNY Hair / Rigged /

 NEW x MIIX Weekend
*B.D.R.*  Rina v2 -Boots-: Compatible with Maitreya, LaraX, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra, Belleza Gen.X, Peach.
3 Versions available:
★ Solid Colors (Winter Palette)
★ Latex (Ultimate Palette)
★ Patterns Mix / 12 Patterns + 12 Matching Solid Colors 

HUD Texture Options:
● Customizable base and gems.
● 20 Gold/Silver Metals 

  NEW x Kinky69
*B.D.R.*  Nya -Tights-: BOM only.

- Featuring:
★ BOM Tights in 4 Opacities: Intense / Opaque / Light / Sheer.
- Modifiable layers so you can recolor or tone down the base.
★ Faded Sheer: All tights have a stronger opacity under the knee.
★ Two color packs available per opacity: Solid 01 and Solid 02.
- Colors are compatible with our Winter Palette.
★ Materials Enabled (Reborn Only for now).
★ 2K Textures (x2048 Res.)

- Keep in mind that sheer textures will always look different according to every skin tone.

- Customized for Reborn, it may fit other bodies as well.

  District69 and 99 Sale
We also have some past releases available for sale!

Happy shopping!
