By the Pool series, finally completed!

This is the last version I'm going to release this year lol, I really love this design, I don't know, maybe in the future I'll work with other patterns for this set o.o

This is the basic version aka solid colors pack, I've made 9 colors (well technically 10, but 1 exclusive color will be available as group gift soon ...)
As usual, this set includes all kind of appliers:
> Lolas Tango - Lush - Puffy! - BBusty (Ubera) - vStrng (Evo) - Venus
> Phat/Cute Azz - Brazilia - Ghetto Booty - Banned - Perfect Bum - Wideloads
> WowMeh
> Omega

Unfortunately this set is NOT compatible with Physique body (seams don't line up), this is the reason why the appliers for this body are not included.


If you missed the first 2 versions, here is the close up

By the Pool (Flora)
 By The Pool (Aloha)

